Cloud Application Development in 2022: Trends, Technologies,Cost

What is cloud Application Development?
To clarify Cloud computing is a network for data storage and online processing. Also In cloud computing groups of servers work together to perform the tasks.
A cloud application is an intelligent application that can be accessed from any device and anywhere due to its advanced technology.
Furthermore, With the advancement in the business world, the role of cloud Application Development has immensely increased.
Role in big companies
For instance, Cloud Application development is used by almost all big companies as it saves money, time, and human workforce. Most importantly, Cloud Application development is user-friendly, convenient, and manageable. In addition, It keeps the company’s data and information in a well-managed order and easily accessible way.
Furthermore, With the advancement in technology, the companies try their best to stay up to date with the technology.
Cloud application and its types

For example, In the present times almost all companies use cloud Application Development and with the increasing use of cloud computing various types of cloud application development have been developed these types include
- SaaS
- PaaS
- IaaS
Software as a service (SaaS)
Firstly SaaS is the most used and most convenient type of cloud application. It does not require any skills and techniques and is ready for the user to be used anytime.
It is accessible from multiple devices. It demands a stable internet connection to work. Google drive is a well-known example of SaaS.
Platform as a service (PaaS)
Secondly, PaaS gives the user the ability to run, process, manage and develop the applications it is a bit more complex than SaaS as it requires an application code by the developer. Its examples include AWS, Heroku, etc.
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Thirdly, IaaS is the least user-friendly of all three types as it requires the provider’s tools for development. IaaS plays a part in security, backup location, scaling, etc. Its examples include Oracle virtual Box, Xen, Hyper V, etc.
The development process
The SDLC can better understand cloud application development, an abbreviation for the software development life cycle.
This life cycle has various stages. These stages give us a better understanding. These stages are listed below:
- Requirement analysis
- Design
- Development
- Testing
- Deployment
- Maintenance

Now we will further explain these steps in terms of cloud application development:
Requirement Analysis:
This is the first stage of development. This includes the analysis of all the things required. For instance, the time and the cost needed.
Firstly After analyzing the basic requirements. We make a design. This includes the prototype of the infrastructure. This would cover the essential elements.
Secondly the development. Suppose the design covers all essential aspects. The procedure takes the form of an actual program through development.
In this step, programmers do the work most effectively and efficiently. We consider this as the longest stage. Also, This step includes the coding of the program.
Thirdly After development, we pass the program through a series of testing. Here we debug it and test it for any faults. This is an essential stage. In this stage, we ensure the best quality development for the program.
Moreover, we send the program to Deployment for installation and activation.
Also, in this stage, we repair any damage to the program after we sell it to the user.
Technological tools to develop cloud applications:
We use Back-end and front-end technologies for cloud application development; we have Java, PHP, .NET, etc. In front-end technologies, we have reacted and angular, etc.
Back-End Technologies
Now we will explain the back-end technologies.

The reason java is suitable for cloud application development is that it saves time, is effective, and can run on any device.
Java is also used in mobile and web development. Java is considered expensive otherwise, it is ideal for cloud application development.
PHP is another fantastic choice as it is perfect for start-ups and small or mid-sized projects. It can create software in different domains and varieties.
We consider it a great choice because a specific interpreter processes its code on the webserver.
Microsoft has developed. NET. It is a hybrid framework as it provides the programmers with the opportunity to use different tools, languages and
Libraries for desktop, mobile, and web development. .NET provides a variety of languages and tools, and we consider it excellent for cloud application development.
Front end technologies:
React and angular and explained below

Facebook created React. React is a perfect choice for cloud application development. Also, it saves time and is easily understood. Even the people who never worked with JavaScript can realize this as it has a JavaScript library for building single-page solutions.
Moreover, React is fast, simple, and very efficient; it uses reusable UI components, making it cost and time-effective as it can rebuild the whole application in case of an accident. So it is considered excellent for cloud application development.
Another JavaScript framework is angular, which is also an excellent choice for cloud application development.
Angular is more convenient than others because of its JavaScript and suitable component-based architecture, but it might be a bit complex in its learning curve.
Benefits of cloud application development:
We can get various benefits from Cloud computing. For instance, business, IT, economy, and many other fields. Moreover, we describe the few significant benefits of cloud application development as follows:
Data backups
Companies, as well as individuals, have essential data they don’t want to lose; one major benefit is that cloud
computing can store data in the cloud, and in case we lose our data, we can still recover it from the cloud.
Restore data
Also, we can restore lost data from the cloud.
High speed;
And We get more effective data transfer and storage; with cloud computing, we can access our data in seconds.
Furthermore, Cloud application development is cost-effective as we will not need additional hardware for storage, and less human workforce will be required to maintain and manage the cloud.
Saves time
This also provides us access to the latest applications in a few minutes, giving us quick results hence saving our time.
Unlimited storage capacity
Also, The best thing about cloud computing is that we can have unlimited data storage capacity on it. This also saves money and energy as we will not need a new device, a hard disk, or a memory card, and the energy used in transferring and managing data is saved.
Reliable and effective
Moreover, the security of data on the cloud makes it more reliable. Also, we can manage and easily access our data.
Easy access
Another benefit is that we can access the data from any device, even in remote areas with a stable internet connection.
Cost of cloud application development

We cannot estimate the exact cost of cloud computing .but we can calculate the estimated overall cost.
The factors include program used, programmers cost, application, experience, and services location.
Different regions offer different costs for programming. For example, in the US, development quality is far better than that in Asia.
However, it might not be affordable, so a country that can develop a cheap and a good quality program is selected for outsourcing; for instance, Ukraine helps attain both a reasonable price and a good quality.
A single person cannot do the development of cloud applications. A team performs this task.
Tasks together to save time and work more efficiently; this team includes the project manager, business analyst, UI/UX designer, server-side developer, front-end developer, and QA specialist.
We can summarise the salary of all these team members to estimate the cost of cloud application development.
Moreover, For a rough estimate, if we consider that all the specialists have four years of experience, we can have an overall estimate if we believe their salaries as listed below:
- Project manager-$60
- Business analyst-$60
- UI/UX designer-$50
- Backend developer-$70
- Front end developer-$70
- QA Specialist-$40
Keeping in view the experience of the developers, the complexity of the application, the programming tools, and the design we have:
Three different types of applications
- A simple web application’s cost will vary from $30k to $100k
- A medium complexity cloud application’s price will change from $120k to $250k
- The most complex enterprise application’s cost will range from $250k and more
In 2021 with the advancement in technology, it is better to stay up to date and make use of this technology for our benefit with technology like cloud
application development is cost-effective, easy to use, saves time and energy, and provides security to our data with unlimited storage space.
With the variety in technological methodologies, it depends on our decision-making skills to use these innovative tools to the best of their use and stay up to date with the revolutionary advancements in technology.