What are some important business implications for developing applications for the iOS or Android mobile systems (or both)?
This is worth some attention because it affects how businesses interface with their clients, and it costs money to develop anything technological. Therefore, it behooves entrepreneurs to have a basic comprehension of what they’re paying for with either platform. Fortunately, building mobile applications with either of them is a wise way to expand almost any business to attract/keep customers.
What are iOS and Android?
These are by far the most dominant platforms in the world of smartphones. Almost everyone you see, nowadays, has one of these two for cell-phone usage (if they have one).
Perhaps several years ago, it may have been worthwhile to explore other makers, but these two giants comprise about 97% of the market. So, no matter what your expectations for mobile app marketing, you’ll want to focus intently on one or both of these powerhouses.
Nevertheless, there are significant differences between iOS and Android, especially as it pertains to development costs.
Important Considerations for Developing with Mobile Operating Systems
Cost Factors – The Android system, given its coding complexity, tends to cost more to develop applications (up to 30% more). However, you must also consider the scarcity of mobile application developers (the folks capable of making an app for either platform). This is another advantage in favor of an iOS focus because there are simply more professionals who know how to work with it. Many of them do iOS exclusively, leaving more work for the comparatively few Android professionals, making them more likely to take longer and charge more.
Identifying Your Audience – Before you get too far into the weeds on cost comparisons, research your target audience. First, find out whether they even own or use smartphones. Next, see which version they tend to prefer. If, for example, you wish to target younger consumers (aged 18 to 34), then know that they use iOS over Android at a rate of 58% to 42%. Both men and rural residents skew more towards Android usage, whereas women and urban dwellers use iPhones more often.
Monetizing Concerns – This is another area where you may wish to focus on iOS first. Although Google (which bought Android in 2005) dominates the market in terms of web searches, app downloads, and other marketing, the Android makes less income than Apple’s iOS. Then again, this doesn’t mean you should ignore the smaller Android market, as the platform has made improvements, and excels at driving customer spending. This might mean starting your efforts with iOS, before picking up the Android component later (as budgeting factors permit).
This should give you a broad and basic understanding of how to approach the creation of a business mobile app for either iOS or Android.
Whenever you partner with Novateus, one of our professionals can help you delve into this topic much further. We’re a team of tech experts who can assist you with mobile app development with iOS, Android, or Flutter, all tailored to fit your company’s specific purposes. You can contact us anytime to learn more by calling 225-308-6960.